October came and went very fast and alas we forgot to buy pumpkins but Andrew was running errands November 2 and found a church giving their leftover pumpkins away. It's still fall so we figured why not? With the help of many pictures on the internet, each kid picked their own design. Andrew then got out the power tools (how else do you cut a perfect circle?)
and voila...beautiful pumpkins! There were four pumpkins but Jill's didn't get carved so here's what we've got -
Adam wanted a funny pumpkin and picked this face from a bunch of samples...
We showed him a youtube video of Jack Skellington after the pumpkin was carved...we couldn't believe he picked that face while wearing that shirt but he didn't really get it, he just liked his pumpkin. The irony was lost on a three year old.
Beth liked the dog face pumpkins and helped Andrew create a design that would look just like Cocoa...
It doesn't show up very well until you add the candlelight!
And here's Cocoa to show you just how much it looks like her - mostly in the ears :)
Jason couldn't find the design he wanted so he drew his own creation on paper - a one-eyed mean mouthed spiky nose jack-o-lantern. He got exactly what he drew. Yea, for independent creativity!!!
Pour Jill didn't get her own pumpkin since we were done after three but the candle in Adam's sure enticed her...
Happy fall to all and to all a good night!