Sunday, June 28, 2009

Her Birthday Fun Begins!

A day early but friends at church surprised Beth with a special treat - a visit to the stables and a horse ride. Beth's new love these days is horses. She wants one for her birthday but this is the best I could do (or should I say would do :) I think it was enough for now. She helped clean the stall, watched Sailor get a shower (to cool him down, it was super hot out there!), and then got to ride and even trot some around the arena. This was her first time ever on a horse. She's done pony rides but this was a real horse. I wasn't sure she'd even get on when the time came but she was relaxed and easygoing and just went along for the ride.She loved it, and says the best part is petting him.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

To Rome

So what, you ask, did I do for my birthday? I went to Rome. I even met Paul and many, many other interesting people. Yes, I spent the last week at our church participating in an awesome Vacation Bible School. Andrew and I were the Grammaticus School teachers helping children to make an abacus while asking them if they've ever heard of the religious teacher, Jesus (we weren't Christians but curious. It was a fun role to play.) There was singing, dancing, crafts, costumes (Beth wore her family color of red to match her sash as much as possible even if it meant wearing long sleeves in this heat!), games, food, and story time with Paul under house arrest. Our kids had a great time although the Roman soldiers, played mostly by our high schoolers, where a bit too real for Adam. Jill, however, had no problem hanging out with them .Jill also took a nap every night. Rome was a busy, tiring adventure!Jason asked on our way home the last night why it couldn't last all month. We had so much fun, and I'm thrilled at all they learned and enjoyed. And how many people can say they spent their birthday in Rome! (Thanks to all who surprised me with birthday treats in Rome on my birthday, especially my wonderful husband who orchestrated the surprise!)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Weekend in Virginia

We went to Virginia this last weekend to visit cousins for no other reason than it had just been too long since our last visit! It was a great weekend complete with fireworks,
an early birthday celebration for Beth,

a trip to the lake (pictures on that to come later), and lots of playtime in the pool, trampoline, swingset...wherever!

Turns out Jill loves the water!

Although I think the adults loved the waterplay more than the kids!

Poor Adam never quite got the hang of the water guns...
The kids got soooo excited over some of the brighter fireworks. I watched them more than the fireworks!

Beth enjoyed LOTS of cake and ice cream. She was also very happy with her Ariel swimsuit and Barbie mermaid that she received as presents from her cousins. After reading a short story today about a worm that wishes he were a gloworm, I asked the kids what they would wish for if they met a magician and wouldn't you know it, Beth said, "to be a mermaid." (and just an FYI, Jason said to know everything like Solomon.) Everyone enjoyed the cake. Everyone enjoyed the weekend. What a fun group of kids we have :)

(Cole and Ella)

Jillian is 8 months old

At 8 months old, Jill is working on crawling (she can pull herself forward, rock on her hands and knees, and mostly scoots backwards),
she's becoming more verbal, and getting into everything (time to babyproof!)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pool Time!

I think summer is officially here as we spent today and yesterday in the pool! We're so excited that we have friends and now FAMILY with community pools nearby so we can enjoy swimming this summer. When we moved here last July we didn't swim at all the rest of the summer. It was so sad after leaving the many pools, lagoons and beaches we enjoyed in California. Anyway, schools let out last week around here, and summer has begun in Georgia. Here are pictures and video capturing the fun...
Jason officially swam in the deep end back in California during our Easter vacation. He still needs lots of practice but he's excited and proud to not be using any sort of floatation device anymore.
Beth refuses to put her head underwater so she spends her pool time floating in pool rings. The only water on her head is there because she was splashed!
Adam is our fish. He does not stop moving in the water and jumps into the deep end with no fear. I'm glad the floaties work so well. I am planning to slowly put less air into them to see if we can get him swimming although he swallows so much water that may not be a good idea. We'll see.
And yesterday was Jill's first time ever in a pool! She clung to me but smiled a lot. Today she actually let go and splashed her hands in the water. Then in the bathtub tonight she had the most fun she's ever had in the tub. She was splashing and laughing. Usually we just wash her and get her out because she never seemed interested. I guess she finally figured out how much fun water can be.
Georgia can be unbearably hot with the humidity but all this pool time might make the summer a popular season again in our household.