Friday, December 18, 2009

GT Christmas Play

The kids performed their Christmas play last weekend. They've been rehearsing for weeks after church, and we've all been listening to the songs over and over (Andrew and I could understudy any role :) Fortunately, the songs are all scripture so if I have to get a song stuck in my head, at least it's the Word of God!
Jason was an ice cream salesman as the play was set at the mall. He loved selling "ice cream" to the big kids. Beth was part of the halo express choir and a sheep...see her there under the white cloth? No, me either... They did a great job, all the kids in the show. There was a lot of talent to be seen that night. Best part...Jill slept on my lap the entire time so I could relax, sit back, and enjoy the show!
I've uploaded a bunch of video excerpts to YouTube so I'd have them. Check them out:
In the beginning was the Word:
The finale song: (Beth did such a great job at Away in the Manger - it was only the 4&5 year olds singing, and then there's Jason turned around...he told us he was tired :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Real Princesses don't wear hats!

For Halloween Jill wore a princess outfit, a hand-me-down from cousin Talia. It's adorable and the best part is the tall pointed hat. One problem - Jill does not wear hats! We tried and tried and tried and tried. We finally gave up...

Sunday, November 29, 2009


For this year's turkey day we drove north to Raleigh. We met up with family and friends of family, cooked a lot of food, met at someone's clubhouse, gave thanks, and ate!
The kids just enjoyed being with cousins! John deep fried one of the turkeys (we had three turkeys and a ham!) What are you most thankful for? Everyone wrote on a post-it and put it on our wall posters. (See it there beyond Anja & Jill?) We had everything from my family to legos to I don't know! As for me, I'm thankful for my husband, my children and the peace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, which surpasses my understanding but gets me by day after day!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Leaves, trees and seeds

The kids LOVE fall! The leaves are beautiful on the trees and soooo fun as their falling and piling high! Capitalizing on their love, we spent some time learning about leaves and how to use them to ID trees. They now recognize maples, oaks, magnolias, and others (I must admit this was all new to me, too. In California I could only ID palm trees :) Together with some friends we visited a local nursery where we had a variety of trees to compare. We learned to use keys to identify the trees. We then did leaf rubbings, leaf collecting, pressed some leaves and created a leaf person. We even planted acorns we collected so we can grow our own oak trees!And to finish, we're putting together a great tree notebook with all of our creations. Now we just have to patiently wait for spring so we can learn about flowers. I can't wait!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Pumpkins

October came and went very fast and alas we forgot to buy pumpkins but Andrew was running errands November 2 and found a church giving their leftover pumpkins away. It's still fall so we figured why not? With the help of many pictures on the internet, each kid picked their own design. Andrew then got out the power tools (how else do you cut a perfect circle?) and voila...beautiful pumpkins! There were four pumpkins but Jill's didn't get carved so here's what we've got - Adam wanted a funny pumpkin and picked this face from a bunch of samples...We showed him a youtube video of Jack Skellington after the pumpkin was carved...we couldn't believe he picked that face while wearing that shirt but he didn't really get it, he just liked his pumpkin. The irony was lost on a three year old.Beth liked the dog face pumpkins and helped Andrew create a design that would look just like Cocoa...It doesn't show up very well until you add the candlelight!And here's Cocoa to show you just how much it looks like her - mostly in the ears :)Jason couldn't find the design he wanted so he drew his own creation on paper - a one-eyed mean mouthed spiky nose jack-o-lantern. He got exactly what he drew. Yea, for independent creativity!!!Pour Jill didn't get her own pumpkin since we were done after three but the candle in Adam's sure enticed her...
Happy fall to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Name that kid...

For their first birthday, three of our kids wore the same birthday shirt...can you identify each one?
And then there's Jason...we didn't have the shirt but here he is at one year old.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Costume Day!

It's Halloween and we woke up to rain and forecast of....more rain! Braving the weather, we headed to the mall for trick-or-treating and face painting. (We have Beth as a "sort of princess," Adam as Spiderman, Jason as a clone trooper and Jill as a princess). Macy's was a big let down - no trick or treating and below average face painting (I'm such a critic but seriously - what is on Adam's cheek because I don't see a whale, and Jason couldn't get a bat like he wanted because they didn't have black - no black on Halloween!?!) but we smiled and moved on...For our afternoon adventure we hit the grocery store (another indoor venue :) This was a much more impressive stop. A baker was decorating cookies to order (we got a bat, a dog, and a fish). There were games to play all over the store (and I got shopping done!)Our day finished off with classic door to door trick or treating with our cousins. We have: a cat, transformer, control freak (can you see the remote controls dangling from him?), wolf (mascot), Indian princess, princess, camp rock girl, and a bat (not pictured is Nemo who was waking up from his late afternoon nap). Lots of fun to be had but maybe too much for Jill...she did not like the face paint and masks.
The end of the day and each kid has too much candy, got to wear two costumes, and attended three events...not bad for a rainy Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jillian! Party #2

After a fabulous weekend in North Carolina, we returned home to Georgia where party #2 was already in the planning. Jill has a friend at church, Zeke. Being 10 days apart they've grown up together! (Someone has a newborn picture of them together at my shower???) Here they are in May at 7 months old...Anyway, we planned a Prince and Princess party for the two of them.

The party took place at the Coffee Park. The location attracted us because they provide the activities, the food and the clean-up. We only had to bring cake and people.
The cake was a big hit with Jill. "I just have to make it through this song and then I get to eat!" Having practiced the week before, she knew this was good stuff! Caught you, Adam! He's knows it's good, too!Zeke on the other hand wanted nothing to do with his cake. His mom did such a good job decorating it, I think he didn't want to damage it :) They both enjoyed digging into their presents - paper, things that make noise, and more paper!Yummy food, great cake, presents, friends, leaving the mess for someone else to clean was a successful party. Here's some more of the fun:
They had games like playing with the parachute and duck, duck, goose.Jill LOVED the slide and crawling around the castle.
Big brothers everywhere to be knights for our princesses.

Happy Birthday Jill & Zeke!