A pregnancy update...I took myself off of bedrest 2 weeks ago. I went to the doctor and he was really rushed and as I was walking out of the building I realized he never even mentioned bedrest, and I forgot to ask (it was a seriously rushed visit, he's been better since that one). I know, how could I forget...I don't know, I'm pregnant! Anyway, so I started cooking, cleaning, shopping, and just moving more and more. It's been great. It feels so good to be moving around and not forcing myself to lie around when I feel perfectly fine! I do make myself stop and rest periodically so I don't overdue it too much, and I have noticed more swelling in my feet as I'm on them soooo much more...but really, it feels good to be moving again! I've even been told I have a healthy pregnancy glow that was missing from the grumpy tired me before, and I just look happier now. I've felt so good I even braved a trip to the aquarium by myself (well, me and the three kids). It's the letter F week here at Skelly homeschool academy and we have to see fish when Adam says, "fish say fffff." So we went. It was definitely the most walking I've done since June but it was a great visit. The kids were great. The aquarium was nearly empty. And we all can't wait to go back! Here's some pictures of our time...and by the way, all of you praying for my bedrest, thank you because I survived, my family survived and I'm still pregnant. Now if you could do me one more favor and start praying for baby to come! Yes, time to do a 180 in our thinking. It's time to deliver this baby girl!
Here's a picture Jason took of me at the aquarium. I wish I could have seen on the digital camera what a goofy face I was making. Oh well, you get a good view of my belly...
The jellyfish are always a family favorite (we used to have passes to the Long Beach Aquarium) and this tank was really fun because it was so much bigger than any we've seen.
There's this amazing tank that is the largest in the world (or second to one in Japan, I forget but it's HUGE!) and you go through a tunnel under it. It was so cool! Just look at Adam taking it all in!
And what is he looking at that they have to build such a huge tank? Whale Sharks! They were soooooo cool! I first learned about whale sharks in the book Kon Tiki (one of my favorites from high school) and I've always imagined seeing them out in the Pacific, never thought it would really happen and in an aquarium tank! I could have watched them all day. It was...there are no words for me. I just loved that I got to see them live and in person! I need to try to get a picture with some perspective on their size...It was hard to capture them!Now we didn't get to pet the whale sharks but there was plenty to touch...Here's Jason with a sea anemone.
It was fun watching the sea otters playing. One started banging his toy block on the window right in front of Jason. He thought that was hilarious and laughed pretty hard.
Beth likes to make evil growling animal noises. This is her being an alligator...Isn't she cute :)
And now we have to go back because every day since we went last Thursday, Adam has asked to see Deepo. Who is Deepo you ask? He's a Garibaldi fish, a happy orange fish that stars in his own 4-D movie. He teaches everyone that we're all connected and our (human) actions affect him and his friends in the ocean. It's a little too cute but the kids loved it and I'm sure I'll be seeing it again and again and....