As most everyone knows by now, the Skellys are leaving the OC and heading on an adventure to Georgia! I know it's not reality, yet, but I'm up for the adventure (ask me in a few months to see if I really was!) I'll still be here blogging and sharing the life of our family (although I may change the name???) For now I'm spending my days trying to organize our stuff. Andrew's company is moving us so I don't have to pack but I need to sort through a lot of junk. If I don't do it here, I'll have to do it there so I might as well get it over with!
Besides preparing myself to leave family and friends, the hardest part is that Andrew is already gone, already working in Georgia. So yesterday, unlike most of the country, we didn't celebrate Father's Day. We played at home and had pb & j sandwiches rather than going out to brunch. It was actually a nice relaxing day but Andrew did such an amazing job honoring me on Mother's Day that I'm disappointed I couldn't do the same for him. I'll make it up to you another time, honey, I promise! And on top of being away from Andrew, I did nothing for the fathers in my life, oops! I guess I blocked out that it was even happening since I was sad Andrew was gone so Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there (especially mine). Know you're appreciated always and not just on one Sunday a year. I love you!