Jason lost a tooth! He wiggled his first tooth out all by himself. He looks so different with a big hole in his smile! The tooth next to it is already loose, and even more crazy: the new tooth is already growing in! I told him when he turned 5 that his teeth would start to get loose and they'd be replaced by big new teeth but I really didn't think it would happen so fast! His first baby tooth didn't come in until he was 7 months old so I thought he'd keep them longer (there's supposedly some correlation there). Anyway, I'm just thankful he did it all by himself. He wasn't wiggling it much and the new one was already growing in. The dentist wanted to pull it but I kept stalling. I wanted his first tooth to be a happy easy experience. And yea! It was!
Adam is talking. Ok, he's been talking for months but now he speaks in sentences and you can understand him! It's so fun! His newest phrase is "Got your nose!" It's so cute. He also gets eyes, ears and hair, and watch out for the infamous belly blow! But his most common phrase is "I want..." It's usually his paci although it can be cracker, hug, arf (his stuffed dog) or shoes (so he can go outside). He'll also parrot just about anything, which is a fun game for Jason and Beth. Daddy's impressed by his two syllable words like Clifford. I love hearing him mumble as I pray. He then always finishes with a charismatic, "Amen!"
I should mention Beth, too. She's always newsworthy! She's still enjoying ballet and still wearing pink. Her newest hobby is cleaning. I really wish I could bottle her drive and save it for when she's 10 and physically able to do all the tasks she insists on doing. She sweeps and does dishes. Actually "washed" a load of dishes wearing my gloves the other day. She went into the kitchen on her own and just started doing them because they needed to be washed! (We waited until she went to bed to rewash those dishes.) She also loves taking care of Adam. She brushes his hair, takes off his pj's in the morning, picks out his clothes, etc...She's going to be quite a mommy someday! In the meantime, I need to find some chores that she can really do successfully on her own because she is willing and ready!