We've worked to "train" Adam to tell us when he has a dirty diaper. I made a point of talking about his dirty diaper thinking it would help potty train earlier rather than later. So when I saw him doing the deed, I would ask him, "are you going pooh, pooh?" He started responding, "pooh, pooh" and running to the changing table. Ok, maybe not the best word to teach a 1 year old but he was learning and we were proud. At the changing table we often distract him by letting him hold the diaper because thanks to people in marketing diapers have pictures of toddler's friends on them. The diapers we typically buy have Elmo on them. This led to an amusing conclusion. It took a few times of Adam asking before we realized, "I need Elmo" means I need a clean diaper, please. Yes, Adam asks for an Elmo whenever he has a dirty diaper. We bought a different package of diapers the other day (they were on sale and we had a coupon, sorry Elmo!) Now his diapers have Winnie the Pooh on them, and unfortunately, this may mean we'll be back to him saying, "Pooh" very soon. Oh well. Elmo was a fun substitute for awhile :)

Adam really loves Elmo even though he associates him with dirty diapers. He must if he's willing to share his paci...
I had a moment recently where I had to laugh realizing Adam has been trained in other areas. I guess a lot of what we do at this age is condition. You've all heard of cats who come running at the sound of a can opener or Pavlov's dog who drooled at the sound of a bell. Well Adam get's excited and ready to eat one of his favorite foods, apples, at the sound of the vegetable peeler. I was peeling potatoes last night and he came running, "apple, apple, apple." I felt so bad that I grabbed and peeled an apple and fed the conditioning.
My question to you is: what similar pavlov response do you experience in your home? I'm sure we have many if we really think about it. Maybe we haven't trained our kids to drool at the sound of a bell but do they start salivating when you open the refrigerator to get lunch ready? Just curious...